Personal Journey- Why are companies flocking to powerhouse tools like Power BI?

Welcome to my blog, I am one of the founders of Zerang, Pritam Taqk, my blog is written from a different standing than my partner Tanzil, who focuses more on the technical side. I have been a serial contractor for 15 years, so I have quite some stories to tell that are relatable to all lovers of Excel or if your stuck in that Excel hell ( A finance joke).

Excel has long been the backbone of data analysis for many businesses. Its grid of cells, formulas, and pivot tables are familiar tools for data professionals and casual users alike. However, let's face it, Excel can be monotonous and overwhelming. It often feels like navigating through a maze of endless rows and columns.
The good news? There's a more dynamic and visually engaging way to handle your data. Enter Power BI.

What is Zerang?

At Zerang, we specialize in transforming your static Excel sheets into interactive Power BI dashboards that not only make data analysis more engaging but also drive better business insights. Here’s how we can revolutionize your data experience:

Why Excel Can Feel Boring

  1. Tedious Manual Updates: Maintaining up-to-date spreadsheets can be a time-consuming chore, requiring constant manual updates.

  2. Lack of Interactivity: Excel lacks the dynamic elements that allow users to interact with data in real-time.

  3. Overwhelming Data Grids: Large datasets in Excel can be overwhelming and difficult to interpret at a glance.

  4. Limited Visualization: While Excel does offer charts and graphs, they are often static and lack the advanced visualization capabilities that modern business intelligence tools provide.

The Power BI Advantage

  1. Interactive Dashboards: Power BI transforms your data into interactive dashboards that make it easier to spot trends, outliers, and patterns. With filters and slicers, you can interact with your data in real-time.

  2. Automated Data Refresh: Say goodbye to manual updates. Power BI connects directly to your data sources, ensuring that your dashboards are always up to date.

  3. Advanced Visualizations: From tree maps to funnel charts, Power BI offers a wide range of visualizations that make your data more understandable and actionable.

  4. Seamless Integration: Power BI seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft tools like Excel, SharePoint, and Teams, making it a cohesive part of your business workflow.

A Personal Journey: From Excel to Power BI

So, like your usual blogs and websites, my que here would be what Zerang offers, Why Zerang is better and why choose us. All that is good and welcoming, but I think you would want a better more personal review. I’m not saying that we are not up for the job, but most companies feel safer just hiring out contractors, shelling out on £400-700 day rates, where the job will take longer than 6 months to do.

Ofcourse for a contractor once like me, this would be perfect, take my time learning the company, enjoy the weekly money, it’s a holiday for me. But for the company this is massive amounts of time lost where data could be used to make key decisions.

My journey into the world of data transformation began in the trenches of corporate data analysis. Contracted by various companies to make sense of their sprawling Excel spreadsheets, I often found myself bogged down by the limitations of traditional data management tools. It wasn’t long before I realized that something had to change.

One of my earliest projects involved a multinational firm drowning in Excel files. Each department had its own version of reports, and consolidating this data was a Herculean task. I transformed their disparate Excel sheets into a unified Power BI dashboard. This not only streamlined their data analysis but also provided real-time insights and automated updates.

Seeing the profound impact this transformation had on their operations, I knew there was a better way for businesses to manage their data. The frustration of watching companies spend exorbitant amounts on contractors who merely maintained the status quo inspired me to establish Zerang. I envisioned a service where we don’t just move data from one place to another but elevate it to a powerful, interactive tool that enhances decision-making.

Bridging the Gap with Zerang

At Zerang, our mission is to provide top-tier data transformation services at a fraction of the cost large consulting firms charge. We understand that businesses need more than just data management; they need a partner who can help them unlock the true potential of their data. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Tailored Solutions: We understand that no two businesses are the same. Our solutions are customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your organization.

  2. Affordable Excellence: High-quality doesn’t have to mean high-cost. We deliver exceptional service at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

  3. Efficiency and Precision: Our streamlined processes and expert team ensure that your data transformation projects are completed efficiently and accurately.

  4. Long-term Partnership: We don’t just deliver a product and leave; we build long-term relationships with our clients, offering continuous support and enhancements as your business grows.

Imagine transforming your Excel spreadsheets into a vibrant, interactive data landscape. No more static reports or tedious manual updates—just real-time insights at your fingertips. With Zerang, this transformation is not just a possibility; it’s a reality.

To find out how we can help you with your data strategy get in touch today


From a Maze of Excel Tabs to Vibrant Power BI Dashboards in the World of Financial Reporting


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